Posts Tagged Election


 The last true conservative President that the United States had ended in 1988 with Ronald Reagan.

A conservative is someone that believes in personnel responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty and a strong national defense.

 Newt Gingrich believes in a strong national defense, lower taxes and a small government.

 Michael Reagan released a statement supporting Newt Gingrich for President.

 Here is what he said: “I am endorsing Newt Gingrich for President and here is why:

Newt understands that we must reject and fundamentally change the court that Barack Obama has set for America.

is our only chance in 2012 to contrast a Reagan conservative with Obama’s European’ styled socialism.

Strong national defense, lower taxes and smaller government.

In the 90’s Newt’s leadership brought us with the Contract with America which changed Washington.

I’m confident Newt can do it again.

We cannot afford a candidate backed by the same Washington insiders who repeatedly tried to undermine my father and the Reagan revolution.

It’s time to choose.

Do we go forward with bold ideas or continue with failed policies?

So I ask my fellow Republicans and conservatives to join me in supporting Newt Gingrich for President.”

Newt’s 21st Century Contract with America Overview The 21st Century Contract with America consists of 4 main components:

 1. Legislative proposals that will shift America back to job creation, prosperity, freedom, and safety.

 2. A Day One Plan of Executive Orders to be signed on inauguration day that will immediately dismantle much of Obama’s government and transform the way the executive branch works.

3. A training program for the transition teams and the appointees who will lead the shift back to Constitutional, limited government.

4. A system of citizen involvement that will help sustain grassroots support for change and help implement the change through 2021.

 The sweeping and vast magnitude of change that the restoration of America will need cannot be done by any one person or Administration. This is why Newt asks each and every one of us to be “with him for the next 8 years, not just for him.”

Part 1: Legislative Proposals Repeal Obamacare Return to Robust Job Creation Unleash America’s Full Energy Production Potential Save Medicare and Social Security Balance the Federal Budget Control the Border by January 1, 2014 Revitalize Our National Security System Maximize the Speed and Impact of Medical Breakthroughs Restore the Proper Role of the Judicial Branch Enforce the Tenth Amendment

Part 2: Day One Executive Orders Eliminate the thirty-nine White House “Czar” positions “Mexico City Policy” of Respect for Life Restore conscience clause protections for Healthcare Workers Respect Each Sovereign Nation’s Choice of its Capital End the Attorney General’s Assault on the States The Keystone Pipeline

So let’s help the only true conservative candidate that is running for president, Newt Gingrich.

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Republican Party v. Democrat Party

October 8, 2010

For those people that are Independent, For those people that have a tough time choosing between the Republican party or Democratic party I have put together some issues and where each party stands on these issues.


 Republicans support making it easier for families to make it in California by reducing  the taxes on income, savings, and purchasing the every day goods families needs.  California suffers from the highest tax burden in the west.  Republicans believes in lower taxes, the Democrats believe in raising taxes every chance the get.

 The Democrats consistently promote higher taxes on income and savings while also supporting hidden taxes like those in your telephone bills or electric bills.


 Republicans support maximizing personal freedoms by limiting how much government can tell California, how to live and work.  Republicans want to make it easier to create jobs in California by doing away with unnecessary paperwork for business.

 The Democratic party consistently working to make government bigger and more intrusive, telling California’s even what kind of light bulbs and TV they can have.


 Republicans support policies that recognizes people are responsible for their own actions.  Republicans hold criminal responsible for the crimes they commit and support tough measures to keep those who commit crimes off our streets and away from our schools.

 Democrats are always looking for ways to blame “society” for the actions of those who commit crimes and are constantly looking for ways to reduce the tough measures that have brought crime down in California and protected hundreds of thousands of citizens from criminals.

 Terrorism and National Defense

 Republicans support the building and maintaining a powerful national defense and keeping America on offense in the global war on terror.  Terror groups around the world must be confronted and defeated before they have the opportunity to hurt Americans here at home.

 Democrats gave gone back to the pre 9/11 days of treating terrorism like a law enforcement problem.

 The Republican party believes in Less Taxes, More Freedom, Tough on Crime and More Homeland Defense.

 The Democratic party believes in More Taxes, Less Freedom, Soft on Crime, Less Home Defense.  

This election lets chose the right party lets chose the Republican Party

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Republicans v. Democratic when Controling Congress

2003-2006 Republican Congress

2007-2010 Democratic Congress

 Unemployment Rate

  1. Democratic Congress Present Data July 2010                    9.5%
  2. Republican Congress December 2006-Final Month            4.5%

 Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics

   Total Number of Unemployed

     1. Democrat Congress Present Data July 2010            14.6 m

     2. Republican Congress Dec 2006-Final Mth                  7.0 m

 Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics

Total Deficits  

Democrat Congress  4 yearly Deficits                 $3 trillion, 374 Billion 

Republican Congress 4yearly Deficits                 $1 trillion, 356 Billion

 Source:  Budget of the United States, Office of the President

Black Unemployment

       1. Democrats- July 2010                                    15.6%

       2. Republicans December 2006                         8.4%

 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Hispanic Unemployment

        1. Democrats-July 2010                                      26.1%

        2. Republicans December 2006                          4.9%

 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

 Teen Unemployment

      1. Democrats-July 2010                                          26.1%

      2. Republicans December 2006                              15.2%

Numbers do not lie, the Democrats keep saying that they are for the America people.  Well from these numbers they are not for the America people.  They do not represent the America people like they say they do.

Remember these numbers when it comes to the elections in November.

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