Posts Tagged cargo


October 21, 2011 By: Frank Osekowsky 

 Five year’s ago, the Port of Long Beach adopted the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan, with a goal to decrease air pollution by 45 percent by 2012.

Here are just some of the major achievements from the Ports of Long Beach:

VESSEL SPEED REDUCTION The Port’s “Green Flag” program rewards vessel operators who slow down their ships, which reduces fuel consumption and pollution. At the end of 2010, 96% of all ships were slowing down within 20 miles of the port and 74% were slowing down within a 40 mile zone.

LOW-SULFUR FUELS Under California Air Resources Board Regulations implemented in 2008, vessels are now required to switch to cleaner-burning, low-sulfur fuel in their boilers, and main and auxiliary engines within 24 nautical miles of the California coast.

 NEWER, CLEANER SHIPS Newer ships are built to consume less fuel and generate less air pollution. By the year 2010, about 71 percent of ships visiting the Port were built after 2000. This compares to 36 percent of ships that visited in 2005.

 CLEANER TRUCKS During the years 2008 and 2010 the Clean Truck Program phased out thousands of older trucks, replacing them with newer models that will have to meet stricter federal air quality standards. Because of this program pollution from the trucking companies has been reduced by more than 90 percent.

TRAINS INSTEAD OF TRUCKS A single train can carry up to 280 cargo containers, making trains a greener way to move cargo. In 2005 16 percent of cargo was moved by on dock trains. In 2010, the number increased by 25%. Diesel pollution from locomotives was cut by nearly half with the rollout of cleaner train engines.

CLEANER EQUIPMENT Diesel pollution from the Cargo Handling equipment used at Port Shipping terminal was cut by nearly half between 2005-2010.

To view more information on the ports progress you can see it at

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