Archive for category unions


May 22, 2011

The powerful teachers union inCaliforniahas been blaming the Republican Party that they do not care about Education inCalifornia.  That we do not care about children.

  • Republicans believe that protecting education should be our highest priorities
  • Republicans will not vote for deeper cuts to education spending this year.  Democrats have not made the same promises
  • Republicans will not support suspending Prop 98 which would allow the legislation to reduce education funding below mandated levels.
  • Republicans have asked the governor to earnmark $2.5 billion in unexpected tax revenues to be spent specifically to save K-12 education from deeper cuts.  Democrats have yet to support this request.
  • Republicans also propose giving more control to local education leaders, reduce the number of mandated programs, and give school boards many say over teacher placement and that any layoffs should be based on performance not seniority.

Other news about the California Teachers Association:

Over the past few weeks the California Teachers Association was holding rallies across the State of California to push lawmakers to drop the public vote plan and approve the tax hikes by a 2/3 vote in the legislature.

Here is what is wrong about the CTA

  • The CTA is just asking for more money for a failed system
  • The CTA is the biggest obstacle to long-overdue education reforms
  • The CTA keeps teachers in class based on seniority, not for who’s the best teacher available based on need.
  • The CTA always protects bad teachers. 

 The Republican party loves teachers and our children.  Jerry Brown and the democrats would rather protect union bosses at the expenses of students than protect students at the expenses of union bosses.

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