Archive for category transportation

Federal government propose seat belts for motorcoaches

August 19, 2010

Federal transportation officials are proposing that motorcoach operators be required to install sealtbelts in their buses for the first time.

Under a regulation proposed by the United States Department of Transportation, operators would have three years to install lap shoulder belts.

Seatbelts can reduce deaths in motorcoach rollover accidents by an estimated 77 percent.  The lack of seatbelts have citied by investigators as a factor in several fatal accidents.

Nine people were killed and 43 injuried in a January 2008 crash in Utah.  The bus’s roof was sheared off and everyone aboard was ejected except for the driver who was wearing a seatbelt on the bus.

It is about time the federal govenment have motorcoaches install seatbelts in their vehicles.

To many people are killed each year that involve motorcoaches.

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