Archive for category taxes

Thomas Jefferson and Interesting facts

April 18th, 2013

I have decided to look at some Presidents and list some facts about them that most of us may not have known. The first United States President that I will look at will be Thomas Jefferson.

Thomas Jefferson was born on April 13, 1743, in Virginia and Died on July 4trh, 1826 on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Thomas Jefferson is best known for his role in writing of the declaration of independence, for his two terms as President and for his face on the nickel.

Here are some fact about Thomas Jefferson that you may not have known

#9 Jefferson the Musician. Thomas Jefferson took violin lessons as a child. He even, courted his future wife, Martha Skelton.

#8 Jefferson the Astronomer. Thomas Jefferson loved the stars as he did reading. He even made sure astronomy was taught at the University of Virginia, and he designated what may have been the first observatory in the United States.

#7 Jefferson the Architect. He designed the rotunda for the University of Virginia and for his own home in Monticello and for the Virginia State Capitol in Richmond.

#6 Jefferson and Wine Thomas Jefferson brought his love of fine wine back to America. He had two vineyards at Monticello, which he apparently used to experiment with. Acknowledged as a great wine expert of early America, he sought to promote wine as an alternative to whiskey and cider.

#5 Thomas Jefferson as a writer. Jefferson was a prolific writer during his lifetime, with authorships of the Declaration of Independence and the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom. The Thomas Jefferson Papers at the Library of Congress includes about 27,000 documents, including his extensive correspondence with key historical figures.

#4 Jefferson was the only President who never vetoed a bill. Thomas Jefferson was the first two term president who never veto any bills.

#3 Jefferson was very religious. Jefferson was a religious man but his beliefs caused much controversy. He was raised as an Anglican, but grew up to be an opponent of all organized religion.
#2 Jefferson and economist. He believed in the free market polices and opposed bank notes as currency.

#1 Jefferson and his love of books. After he left office as president, he sold his library of 6,500 volumes to the Library of Congress after it was ransacked by the British. He needed the cash to pay off debts, but started to buy more books.

I will be posting more information on more United States President.

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June 13th, 2011

Frank Osekowsky




“Bush created all of these problems.  We are trying to solve them but it is much worse than we thought and it will take years for our solutions to have an impact”.

 Fact #1

The number one, most important job of the House of Rep. every year is to create a Federal budget.  When Nancy Pelosi was speaker of the House, they did not create a federal budget. They didn’t even try.  All they did was spend money.

 Fact #2

President Obama increased spending and the size of government more than all previous Presidents (From George Washington to George Bush)-COMBINED.

 The liberal congress created that problem and they should own it.



“There’s no way to cut enough spending. So we must raise the debt ceiling. If we don’t raise itAmericawill not be able to pay back its creditors and the rest of the world will never trust us with money again.  It will be a disaster.

The truth is that the spending can be cut quickly and in a large enough amount to avoid blowing past the debt ceiling.

When President Clinton left office over 10 years ago the government was operating with a budget surplus.  The government was much better than it is now.

When President Bush was in office,, the Federal Budget spending climbed and climbed.  Government grew bigger and faster at a alarming rate.

While President Obama has been in office, the government has grown more then it did under all previous Presidents added together.


Members of the Republican “leadership” will tell you this lie.

“Raising the debt ceiling is inevitable; and the democrats want it so badly they’re willing to give us some really great deals in order to get it.  We can take advantage of it and get some cool stuff in exchange for our votes.  It’ll be great!”


Raising the debt ceiling is not good for American, no matter what deal you think you’re getting in exchange for it.

 If you want a balanced budget amendment, pass a balanced budget amendment and DON’T raise the debit ceiling.

 If you want big spending cuts, pass big spending cuts and DON’T raise the debt ceiling.


The intricate financial details of running the entire United States Government are so complicated that the average American just isn’t capable of understanding how it works.  It involves thousands upon thousands of Byzantine and interwoven variables that are so delicately balanced they can be easily disrupted by one false move, setting off a cataclysmic chain reaction of economic disasters that will cripple the world’s monetary system.  Handcuffing congress by not allowing us to raise the debt ceiling just shows how simplistic, unsophisticated, ill informed, and child-like.  Those of us in congress are far better equipped to make these kinds of decision.  So just go back to you daily lives and let us run the country.

Tea party patriots is working hard every day and night and weekend to fight socialism and promote the values of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally limited government, and free markets.  The liberals and the enemies of freedom are fighting just as hard to shut us down.

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June 10, 2011


 Plan would tax drivers based on how many miles they drive.

 The Obama Administration has supported a transportation authorization bill that would require the study and implementation of a plan to tax automobile drivers, based on how many miles they drive.

 The Congressional Budget Office suggests that a “vehicle miles traveled (VMT) Tax” could be tracked by installing electronic equipment on each car to determine how many miles were driven with payments taking place electronically at a gas station.

President Obama has of course, has come out and stated that he does no plans to tax any drivers.  Are we really suppose to believe this?

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