Archive for category prisons

Current bills in California awaiting the Governor’s signature

 Frank Osekowsky

September 5th, 2011

 Bills that are currently on the Governor’s desk and awaiting his signature.

SB 303-Food Safety. This bill would clarify which food facilities and their food handlers are subject to food safety training rules and who can offer food safety courses and examinations.

SB 332-Smoke Free Housing. This bill will allow landlords the ability to ban smoking on their properties, including inside rental units.

SB 493- State Surplus Computers. This bill would allow the California Department of General Services (DGS) to provide state surplus computers to non-profits that partner will schools that operate public computer centers in underserved communities.

SB 105-Ski Helmet. This bill would allow local authorities to fine parents of kids skiing or riding without a helmet an amount no more than $25.00. The law further requires resorts to post descriptions of the law on their slopes, websites and trail maps.

Bills that are currently on the Assembly floor.

SB 550 Music Privacy. This bill would allow inspections of CD and DVD replication plants to ensure compliance with anti-privacy laws. Violators would face steep fines.

SB 26 Cell Phones in Prison. This bill would crack down on the smuggling and possession of cell phones and other wireless communication devices in California prisons by imposing tough penalties for both smugglers and inmates. It also facilitates the deployment of managed access technology to prevent illicit cell phones from sending or receiving communications within the secure perimeter of a prison.

As I hear more information on this bill I will pass the information on to everyone.

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