Archive for category nba

Los Angeles Clippers to overhaul McBride Park, Long Beach

March 11th, 2013
The Los Angeles Clippers have decided to make improvements to one of Long Beach oldest park playground-McBride Park.

At no cost to the city, the Clippers-through a program called FIT Campus Playground and Court Refurbishment program—will donate planning, labor, materials and equipment with the approximate value of $90,000 to renovate the playground and basketball courts at McBride. The prime objective will be to replace the aging playground equipment and completely resurfacing the basketball court. According to the Press-telegram all equipment when finished will be painted Clippers red, white and blue.

The Long Beach City Council unanimously approved the right of entry permits for the program, which will allow the Clippers to begin their work at McBride Park.

The Los Angeles Clippers have requested a recognition plaque for the work, but have not asked for any further naming or sponsorship type benefits to this donation. The project aims to be finished by March 22.

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