Archive for category mervyns


May 22, 2011

In 2009, the retail store Mervyns closed all of its doors after it filed for Bankruptcy.

But we fast forward to 2011.  Not only has Mervyns been out of business for over two years but it has been announced that John Morris, the son of the Department store chain founder Mervin Morris, along with his two brothers have agreed to re-buy the Mervyns name and its internet- related intellectual properties.

“Its great to have it back in our family after 31 years said Mr. Morris, principal of Morris Management a private-equity and real-estate Investment Company”. We strongly believed we have a very strong, loyal base of families in the Western States that would support Mervyns.

The brothers have yet to decide how they are going to proceed with the re-opening of Mervyns.  They may either re-open it as retail stores or as an on-line website only.

Being a former employee it was a sad day when Mervyns went out of business.  I am happy to see that the Mervyns name is back with the family were it belongs.  I hope that the brothers can make this store what it used to be.  Hopefully they can succeed.  I wish them good luck.  As soon as I hear any other news I will make it know.

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