Archive for category los angeles

What is at Stake in the 2018 elections

Here is a list of who’s at stake in the upcoming 2018 mid term elections
U.S. Senate– 35 of 100 Senate seats are up for grabs
U.S. House of Representatives– All 435 House seats are up for grabs
Governors– 36 of 50 States
State Legislators- 82% of positions, totaling 6,070 seats in 67 legislative chambers.
City Governments-Mayors of 26 of America’s 100 largest cities.
State Judges Nearly 300 state appellate judges, including 71 state supreme court justices

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Los Angeles Clippers to overhaul McBride Park, Long Beach

March 11th, 2013
The Los Angeles Clippers have decided to make improvements to one of Long Beach oldest park playground-McBride Park.

At no cost to the city, the Clippers-through a program called FIT Campus Playground and Court Refurbishment program—will donate planning, labor, materials and equipment with the approximate value of $90,000 to renovate the playground and basketball courts at McBride. The prime objective will be to replace the aging playground equipment and completely resurfacing the basketball court. According to the Press-telegram all equipment when finished will be painted Clippers red, white and blue.

The Long Beach City Council unanimously approved the right of entry permits for the program, which will allow the Clippers to begin their work at McBride Park.

The Los Angeles Clippers have requested a recognition plaque for the work, but have not asked for any further naming or sponsorship type benefits to this donation. The project aims to be finished by March 22.

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With the Super Bowl approaching, I decided to take a look at 5 NFL teams that have a great chance of moving to Los Angeles. The NFL has already stated that if Los Angeles gets an NFL team it will be a team that relocates from another city.

San Diego has a 3 month escape clause at the beginning of each calendar year. The NFL doesn’t want the Chargers to move from San Diego. The owners of the Chargers are still in talks with the city of San Diego about a new stadium.


The team has submitted a proposal to renovate the Edward Jones Dome to the St.Louis Convention and Visitors Commission. If is accepted, the teams lease extends through 2025. If they reject it an arbitrator, will work out a compromise plan and the city accepting that one in December would also extend the lease to 25 if the city turns that one down, and out could be enacted in the Rams lease in January 2015, pending some litigation.

A lot of people in the Los Angeles area are still bitter and upset that the Rams left once before and they may not be welcome back in Los Angeles.


Raiders lease in up in 2013. One possible idea is sharing the 49ers Sanita Claria stadium which is set to open in 2014. Another idea is to redo the coliseum in los angeles, Oakland Raiders are in talks with the city of Oakland about building a new stadium.


The teams lease is up in 2013. There is an out, but a tough one to enact. The jaguars would have to prove they lost money for 3 years in a row-not an easy feat now and one that might be tougher when there new TV deal kicks in. The new owner of the club Shahid Khan, seems committed the Jaguars where they are at.


Owner Ralph Wilson has said that he would not move his team will he still is living. The club’s succession plan is to put the team in a trust and sell to the highest bidder. Still, the club is negotiating a new lease and renovation plan.

So which of these teams do you think will move to Los Angeles? Only time will tell.

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