Archive for category federal government

Federal Government say’s California’s proposed immigrant driver’s license does not meet national standards.

Federal authorities stated that the proposed design for California driver’s license for immigrants who are in the country illegally does not meet national security standards.

Homeland Security officials told California’s Department of Motor Vehicles that the license would need to state on its face that it cannot be used for federal purposes and should contain a unique design or color.

As of now, federal officials have stated that the license will not meet requirements under the Real ID act.

California has been planning to issue licenses to immigrants with different lettering on the front and a notice that the card isn’t valid federal identification on the back.

A DMV spokesman says the agency will work with lawmakers, communities and federal officials on the new license.

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Reagan and Obama and Black America

The Washington Times had an interesting article about how Ronald Reagan and Barrack Obama have done by Black America. Richard Rahn of the Washington Times sum it up this way:

Ronald Reagan reduced Taxes on job created by 60%. Obama increased them by 17%. Reagan cut non-defense federal spending by a third; Obama has increased it, to say the least. Reagan cut regulations while Obama has greatly increased them.

Under Reagan, adult black unemployment fell by 20%, but under Mr.Obama, it has increased by 42%

Black teenage unemployment felly by 16% under Reagan, but has risen by 56% under Mr. Obama

The increase in unemployment rates has been far worse for blacks under Mr.Obama than for whites and Hispanics.

Inflation-adjusted real incomes are slightly higher for Hispanics and whites than they were in 2008, but are lower for blacks.

The labor force participation rate has fallen for all groups, but remains far lower for blacks than for whites and Hispanics.

Some change for black America. For someone who has stated that he admired Reagan, he should is not acting like him.

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United States Supreme Court says government can be sued over guards’ actions

March 30, 2013

The United States Supreme court ruled unanimously that the federal government can be sued for abuse claims against prison guards.

The high court ruled for Kim Lee Millbrook, a prisoner at the federal prison in Lewisburg, Pa. who had accused prison guards of sexually assaulting him in May 2010. Prison officials said Millbrook’s claim was unsubstantiated.

The court accepted his appeal and appointed him a lawyer-Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the court that the lawsuit can move forward.

The Federal Torts Claim Act waives the United States immunity against lawsuits for civil wrongs intentionally caused by federal representatives, including federal law enforcement officers. But the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said immunity is only waived when the law enforcement officer is executing a search, seizing evidence or making an arrest.

Thomas said those terms describe what federal law enforcement officers can do, not what they can be sued for.

The exception waiving immunity from lawsuits against the government “extended to acts or omissions of law enforcement officers that arise within the scope of their employment, regardless of whether the officers are engaged in investigative or law enforcement activity, or are executing a search, seizing evidence or making an arrest,” Thomas said

You can read more on this case at Millbrook v. United States 11-10362

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Supreme Court backs Student Textbook Copyright case

Supreme Court backs Student Textbook Copyright case

The United States Supreme Court ruled that textbooks and other good made and sold abroad can be re-sold online and in discount stores without violating U.S. copyright laws.

In a 6-3 opinion, the court threw out a copyright infringement award to publisher John Wiley and Sons against Thai graduate student Supap Kirtsaeng, who used ebay to resell copies of the publisher’s copyrighted books that his relatives first bought abroad at cut-rate prices.

Justice Stephen Breyer said in his opinion for the court that once goods are sold lawfully whether in the United States, or elsewhere, publishers and manufacturers lose the protection of U.S. copyright laws.

“We hold tht the ‘first sale’ doctrine applies to copies of a copyrighted work lawfully made abroad, “Breyer said.

In a dissent for herself, Justices Anthony Kennedy, and Antonin Scalia, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the court was ignoring Congress’ aim of protecting “copyright owners against the unauthorized importation of low-priced, foreign-made copies of their copyrighted works”

Justice Elena Kagain, joined by Justice Samuel Alito, said in a separate opinion that Congress is free to change the law if it thinks holders of copyrights need more protection. Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Sotomayer and Thomas also were part of the court’s majority.

Kirtsaeng sold $900,000 worth of books published abroad by Wiley and others made about $100,000 in profit.

The case is Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley and Sons 11-697

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October 12, 2011 Long Beach City Council approved $18.4 million from oil fund to use as a windfall to protect cuts to public safety and other cuts.

The long beach city council voted 6-3 to approve to use these funds.

Here is a breakdown on the how the Long Beach’s extra oil money will be used.

$2 million to increase the city’s reserve funds;

$1 million to close a deficit in next year’s budget;

$2.5 million to cover one-time costs of implementing recently passed police pension reform;

$2.2 million to fund police overtime;

$1 million to help construct a tunnel to transport prisoners from the city’s jail to the new courthouse;

$650,000 for upgrading police technology;

$350,000 to implement a “short-sotter” gunshot defecting system;

$150,000 to provide real time locations of fire department vehicles;

$100,000 to replace 2 sewage sepic tanks at the police academny;

$4.5 million to fund public works project; $1 million to replace sidewalks;

$500,000 to trim trees in parks;

$565,000 to trim trees on city streets;

$150,000 to upgrade the city website;

$4.5 million to fund public works projects;



On October 7, 2011 The Long Beach Airport received two grants from the Federal Aviation Administration totaling $6.1 million.

The airport plans to use much of a $5 million grant to reduce air pollution by enabling planes to use electricity from the airport rather than diesel generators while they are parked. Some of the grant will also go toward fixing aging runways.

A second $1.1 million grant will fund a study of the airport’s network of runways and taxiways.

The also will be doing an airfield geometry study which will assess the optimal design for the airport, taking into account safety, maintenance costs and the most efficient way to reach the airport’s maximum number of takeoffs and landings. :

These dollars are essential to maintaining our airport, which is one of the most important economic assets to our city,” Long Beach Mayor Bob Foster said.


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