Archive for category fact

John Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln



The coincidence between Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy are a piece of American folklore of unknown origin.

Some of the items are true, some may not be.

Both Presidents were elected to the Presidency in ’60. (1860 for Lincoln and 1960 for JFK).

Both Presidents were elected to the House of Representatives (1846 for Lincoln and 1946 for JFK).

Both were runners up for the party’s nomination for Vice President. (’56)

Both their VP’s/successors were Southern Dem.  Named Johnson were born in ’08.

Both Presidents were concerned with the problems of black Americans and made their views strongly known in ’63.  Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, which became law in 1863.  In 1963, Kennedy presented his reports to Congress on Civil Rights, and the same year was the famous March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

Both presidents were in shot in their heads.

Both presidents were shot from behind.

Both presidents were shot in presence of their wives.

Both presidents were shot on a Friday.

Both presidents were accompanied by another couple.

The male companion of the other couple was wounded by the assassin.

Both presidents had a son die during their presidency.

Both John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald were killed before they could be put on trial.

Both presidents last name have 7 letters.

Booth ran from a theatre to a warehouse, Oswald ran from a warehouse to a theatre.

John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald both have 15 letters in their names.

Both assassins were born in the late ’30s.

Both assassins sympathized with anti-American organizations.

Both assassins were killed within the calendar month before they could be tried.

Both assassins were killed in states located immediately west of the states of their births.

 So, are these above items are facts or just coincidence?  You decide.

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