Archive for category conservative

Reagan and Obama and Black America

The Washington Times had an interesting article about how Ronald Reagan and Barrack Obama have done by Black America. Richard Rahn of the Washington Times sum it up this way:

Ronald Reagan reduced Taxes on job created by 60%. Obama increased them by 17%. Reagan cut non-defense federal spending by a third; Obama has increased it, to say the least. Reagan cut regulations while Obama has greatly increased them.

Under Reagan, adult black unemployment fell by 20%, but under Mr.Obama, it has increased by 42%

Black teenage unemployment felly by 16% under Reagan, but has risen by 56% under Mr. Obama

The increase in unemployment rates has been far worse for blacks under Mr.Obama than for whites and Hispanics.

Inflation-adjusted real incomes are slightly higher for Hispanics and whites than they were in 2008, but are lower for blacks.

The labor force participation rate has fallen for all groups, but remains far lower for blacks than for whites and Hispanics.

Some change for black America. For someone who has stated that he admired Reagan, he should is not acting like him.

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Cold War Movie set to be made next year

Frank Osekowsky
December 23, 2012

The movie, which aims for a 2014 release date will be called “Reykjavik” will begin filming in March.

This movie will be set around the Reykjavik summit in 1986 between Ronald Reagan which will be played by Michael Douglas and Michael Gorbachev played by Christopher Waltz that while unsuccessful ended up establishing a connection between the two world leaders that would ultimately result in an international range nuclear forces treaty the following year.

The movie will be directed by Mike Newell who has directed such movies as Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire and Donnie Brasco.

The movie will be filmed in Reykjavik. This film will offer the viewer a unique look into two larger than life figures Ronald Reagan and Michael Gorbachev who served as the catalyst for one of the most defining moments in History-the end of the cold war.

It will be interesting to see how such a liberal actor like Michael Douglas will portray a conservative Republican in this movie. Only time will tell.

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Could 2012 Primaries turn out to be like 1976

1976 Republican National Convention was the last major party convention, where the party nominee was not decided before the Primary Process concluded.

On one side you had the incumbent, President Gerald Ford.  Gerald Ford was appointed President upon the resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974.  Gerald Ford faced a strong primary challenge from former California Governor Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan and the conservative wing of the Republican party faulted Ford for failing to do more to assist South Vietnam and for his signing of the Helsinki Accord, which they took as implicit U.S. acceptance of Soviet domination over Eastern Europe.  They were also mad by Ford’s negotiations with Panama to hand over the Panama Canal.


Ford narrowly defeated Reagan in the New Hampshire Primary and then proceeded to beat Reagan in the Florida and Illinois primaries by comfortable margins. By the time of the North Carolina primaries Reagan’s campaign was running out of money.  However, with the assistance of U.S. Senator Jesse Helms Reagan would go to upset Ford in North Carolina. Ronald Reagan would go on to win several key states including Texas, were he would carry all of the Congressional district and won all 96 delegates at stake.

By the time the Republican National Convention open in August of 1976 the race for the nomination was still too close to call.


The turning of the convention occurred when Reagan’s managers proposed a rules change that would have required Ford to publicly announce his running mate before the presidential balloting.  Reagan’s managers hoped that when Ford announced his choice for vice president, it would anger one of the two factions of the party and thus help Reagan. 

The proposed rules change was defeated by a vote of 1180 to 1069 and Ford gained the momentum he needed to win the nomination.  Ford won the nomination with 1187 votes to Reagan 1070 votes.

Could the 2012 Republican primaries turn out to be 1976 all over again.

Only time will tell.




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Justices to Review Affirmative Action

Frank Osekowsky

February 23, 20212

A challenge from a white student who was denied admission to the University of Texas flagship campus will be the high court’s first look at affirmative action in higher education since its 2003 decision endorsing the use of race as a factor.

A federal appeals court upheld the Texas program at issue, saying it was allowed under the high court in Grother v. Bollinger in 2003.  That upheld racial consideration in university admission at the university of Michigan Law school.

Abigial Fisher filed a lawsuit along with another women when they were denied admission at the university Austin campus.  They contended the school race-conscious policy violated their civil and constitutional rights.

Justice Elena Kagan, is not taking part in this case.

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 The last true conservative President that the United States had ended in 1988 with Ronald Reagan.

A conservative is someone that believes in personnel responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty and a strong national defense.

 Newt Gingrich believes in a strong national defense, lower taxes and a small government.

 Michael Reagan released a statement supporting Newt Gingrich for President.

 Here is what he said: “I am endorsing Newt Gingrich for President and here is why:

Newt understands that we must reject and fundamentally change the court that Barack Obama has set for America.

is our only chance in 2012 to contrast a Reagan conservative with Obama’s European’ styled socialism.

Strong national defense, lower taxes and smaller government.

In the 90’s Newt’s leadership brought us with the Contract with America which changed Washington.

I’m confident Newt can do it again.

We cannot afford a candidate backed by the same Washington insiders who repeatedly tried to undermine my father and the Reagan revolution.

It’s time to choose.

Do we go forward with bold ideas or continue with failed policies?

So I ask my fellow Republicans and conservatives to join me in supporting Newt Gingrich for President.”

Newt’s 21st Century Contract with America Overview The 21st Century Contract with America consists of 4 main components:

 1. Legislative proposals that will shift America back to job creation, prosperity, freedom, and safety.

 2. A Day One Plan of Executive Orders to be signed on inauguration day that will immediately dismantle much of Obama’s government and transform the way the executive branch works.

3. A training program for the transition teams and the appointees who will lead the shift back to Constitutional, limited government.

4. A system of citizen involvement that will help sustain grassroots support for change and help implement the change through 2021.

 The sweeping and vast magnitude of change that the restoration of America will need cannot be done by any one person or Administration. This is why Newt asks each and every one of us to be “with him for the next 8 years, not just for him.”

Part 1: Legislative Proposals Repeal Obamacare Return to Robust Job Creation Unleash America’s Full Energy Production Potential Save Medicare and Social Security Balance the Federal Budget Control the Border by January 1, 2014 Revitalize Our National Security System Maximize the Speed and Impact of Medical Breakthroughs Restore the Proper Role of the Judicial Branch Enforce the Tenth Amendment

Part 2: Day One Executive Orders Eliminate the thirty-nine White House “Czar” positions “Mexico City Policy” of Respect for Life Restore conscience clause protections for Healthcare Workers Respect Each Sovereign Nation’s Choice of its Capital End the Attorney General’s Assault on the States The Keystone Pipeline

So let’s help the only true conservative candidate that is running for president, Newt Gingrich.

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