Archive for category CONGRESS

What is at Stake in the 2018 elections

Here is a list of who’s at stake in the upcoming 2018 mid term elections
U.S. Senate– 35 of 100 Senate seats are up for grabs
U.S. House of Representatives– All 435 House seats are up for grabs
Governors– 36 of 50 States
State Legislators- 82% of positions, totaling 6,070 seats in 67 legislative chambers.
City Governments-Mayors of 26 of America’s 100 largest cities.
State Judges Nearly 300 state appellate judges, including 71 state supreme court justices

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Federal Government say’s California’s proposed immigrant driver’s license does not meet national standards.

Federal authorities stated that the proposed design for California driver’s license for immigrants who are in the country illegally does not meet national security standards.

Homeland Security officials told California’s Department of Motor Vehicles that the license would need to state on its face that it cannot be used for federal purposes and should contain a unique design or color.

As of now, federal officials have stated that the license will not meet requirements under the Real ID act.

California has been planning to issue licenses to immigrants with different lettering on the front and a notice that the card isn’t valid federal identification on the back.

A DMV spokesman says the agency will work with lawmakers, communities and federal officials on the new license.

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Supreme Court backs Student Textbook Copyright case

Supreme Court backs Student Textbook Copyright case

The United States Supreme Court ruled that textbooks and other good made and sold abroad can be re-sold online and in discount stores without violating U.S. copyright laws.

In a 6-3 opinion, the court threw out a copyright infringement award to publisher John Wiley and Sons against Thai graduate student Supap Kirtsaeng, who used ebay to resell copies of the publisher’s copyrighted books that his relatives first bought abroad at cut-rate prices.

Justice Stephen Breyer said in his opinion for the court that once goods are sold lawfully whether in the United States, or elsewhere, publishers and manufacturers lose the protection of U.S. copyright laws.

“We hold tht the ‘first sale’ doctrine applies to copies of a copyrighted work lawfully made abroad, “Breyer said.

In a dissent for herself, Justices Anthony Kennedy, and Antonin Scalia, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said the court was ignoring Congress’ aim of protecting “copyright owners against the unauthorized importation of low-priced, foreign-made copies of their copyrighted works”

Justice Elena Kagain, joined by Justice Samuel Alito, said in a separate opinion that Congress is free to change the law if it thinks holders of copyrights need more protection. Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Sotomayer and Thomas also were part of the court’s majority.

Kirtsaeng sold $900,000 worth of books published abroad by Wiley and others made about $100,000 in profit.

The case is Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley and Sons 11-697

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A Record of Failure by Obama

 A Record of Failure

As a Presidential candidate in 2008, Obama promised that he would focus on creating “jobs that pay well and can’t be outsourced”.  To date billions of dollars have been spent to create jobs. All these jobs have been outsourced or spent overseas.



Swiss-based Landis+Gyr Received over $50 million in stimulus contracts for their Smart Grid Meters, Cathy Zoi, a former Obama Energy Department Official, Held over $250,000 worth of stock in the company as they profited from her department’s policies.


Stimulus Funds

North Carolina-based LED maker Cree Inc received over $39 million through the Stimulus and later opened its First Plant in China.  Over half of the company’s employees are now located in China and Cree’s CEO  says the company ‘s strategy is “Cree Chip, China Heart”

Stimulus Funds

Solar Power Industries Received a $5.4 million stimulus grant before laying off American workers based on an Increased Reliance on Imports from China.


Loan Guarantees

After receiving a $500 million loan guarantee, Fisker Automotive is producing their $100K Luxury Electric Sports Car in Finland.


Stimulus Grants

Subsidiaries of Danish Wind Mill Maker Vestas Received $51.6 Million in stimulus Grants to build U.S. based factories.  They have announced plans to layoff 180 U.S. Workers and possibly another 1,600 by the end of the year.

Stimulus Grants

Danish Catalyst Company, Haldor Topsoe, Received a $25 million Stimulus Award for the Construction of a Demonstration Scale Biorefinery.

South Korea

Stimulus Grants

The Gulf Wind Project received a $170 million Stimulus Grant and Sourced the Parts from South Korea, as well as Japan, and Mexico.


Stimulus Grants

SunPower admits that some of the solar panels for the $1.3 billion stimulus backed California Solar Valley Ranch will be manufactured at their facility in Mexico rather than their facility in California

ABB Inc received over $16 million in Stimulus Funds to create Green Energy Manufacturing Jobs, the Company has laid off workers in the U.S. and transferred work to Mexico.

New Zealand


A $817,000 Stimulus Contract was awarded to New Zealand’s connexionz to Install bus monitors for the city of Sanita Clarita.  A local contractor that could have performed the work objected to the funds going overseas.


Bailout funds

After taking a taxpayer-funded bailout, General Motors opened a $200 million Plant in Thailand to supply diesel engines for the Chevrolet Colorado Pickup truck.


Jobs Council

General Electric opened a $61 million factory in Hai Pong to produce Wind Turbine Components.


Stimulus Grants

At least 25 Wind Turbines for stimulus funded projects were supplied by German-based nordex.



Luxembourg-Based ArcelorMittal’s Subsidiary received $31.5 million in Stimulus funds for a waste Heat recovery unit.


Stimulus Funds

The EPA gave a $1.5 million grant to Indonesia to reduce Air Pollution in Jakarta


Stimulus Grants

Japanese-Subsidiary Eurus Energy Received $91.4 million in Stimulus grants for a Wind Farm completed before the Stimulus was passed and used 180 Turbines manufactured overseas by Mitsubishi.

You can find more countries and found a complete map at

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Reasons why President Obama has failed as a Leader

July 2, 2011

Frank Osekowsky

Here are just a few example of Obama’ leadership failures:

President Obama has spent the first two year of his presidency on such issues as ObamaCare and has pushed through a government centric solution that the majority of Americans do not want.

Since taking office, Obama has added $5 trillion dollars to the national debt.

Obama’s stimulus program has failed, instead of the stimulus program lowering the unemployment rate it has done nothing but raised it.

Obama follows right behind France and the Arab League into the United Nations-approved military intervention in Libya.  Obama is unable or unwilling to clearly define the mission and criteria for success that will allow the United States to cease its active military involvement.

United States Foreign policy is an embarrassing mess under Obama-Since Obama has become President America’s global power has weakened.  The United States has surrender to Moscow on Missile site defenses, has failed to aggressively stand up to Iran’s nuclear program. And he has decided to side with the ousted Marxists leader in Honduras.

America has lost its greatness under Obama- Since taking office Obama has traveled the world to apologize to world leaders for the actions of the United States in the past for invading other nations. 

So what has Obama done for the past two years.  He has done nothing but bring this county down.  President Obama has been busy taking over the Banking industry, the Insurance industry, the Automobile industry and is busy trying to get illegal immigrants amnesty.

President Obama has always stated that he is for the middle class.  If we look at his record this is far from the truth.  He wants to tax the middle class to death so that we can pay more for his socialist programs.

He wants to control everything.  He wants the citizens of the United States to be dependent on the government for all of their needs.

President Obama has no idea what he is doing.

President Obama was right when he promised changed if he was elected President of the United States.  He has changed the United States of America from a democracy nation to a socialist nation.

In 2012, our voices will be heard loud and clear in Washington and throughout the nation.

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 Frank Osekowsky

The Republican party was born in the early 1850’s  by Individuals who believed that government should grant western lands to settlers free of charge.

The Republican party not the Democratic party was the party that led the movement to free the slaves.

In 1896, Republicans were the first major party to argue for securing the right to vote for women. When the 19th Amendment was finally added to the Constitution, 26 of 36 state legislatures that had voted to ratify it were under Republican control.  The first woman elected to Congress was a Republican. Jeanette Rankin from Montana in 1917.


Which Do You Believe?

Republicans believe… Democrats believe…
…that the United States were founded on the fundamental principle that individuals have certain rights and freedoms which cannot be infringed upon and may be restricted only to the degree necessary to preserve the rights of others. …that our Founding Fathers did not really mean what they said when they guaranteed certain constitutional rights such as the right to freedom of religious expression, the right to keep and bear arms, and the right to retain the use of private property.
…the money you earn is yours and that government in a free society has the right to take only as much as is needed to perform those limited functions, which are appropriate to it. …government has a right to use your money as it sees fit to redistribute wealth, establish new spending programs in times of budget surpluses, and to return to you only that portion of your money which is politically expedient.
…the traditional family and the values it fosters are the foundation of American society and their preservation is essential to our Nation’s continued success. …American society must redefine its values and the role of the family to fit new lifestyle concepts, which have resulted from the 60ís counter-culture movement and an attitude that promotes an abrogation of individual responsibility.
…parents have the right to determine the values with which their children will be raised and to have the widest possible choice among public, private and religious schools and that competition will improve public education. …the federal government has the right to determine the values which will be taught in public schools and parentsí choice of schools must be limited to avoid exposing public schools to competitive forces which would encourage reform and increase accountability.
…that the free enterprise system is the most effective engine of economic progress. …that government regulation and federal control of economic activity can better distribute wealth and services to the American people.
…high taxes, runaway government spending, and over-regulation of business and farming punish initiative and stifle economic growth. …penalizing achievement with higher taxes and increased government bureaucracy and spending will not stifle economic growth but instead guarantee prosperity for everyone.
…that with freedom comes responsibility and that individuals must take personal responsibility for their own actions and our criminal justice system must be based on this idea. …individual behavior, including criminal behavior, can be blamed on “society” and that spending on social welfare programs and improvements in prison living conditions can combat crime.
…that your property is yours and you have the basic right to make use of it without unreasonable government restrictions. …the government has the right to regulate the use of private property in accordance with narrow special interests without giving just compensation to owners.
…the preservation of our rights and freedoms must be entrusted to a strong national defense and of the ability of the United States to negotiate with other nations from a position of strength. …we can afford to drastically weaken our military despite the threats present in an unstable, post-Cold War international environment and the United States must subjugate its interests to those of the United Nations.
…it is imperative today to re-affirm the traditional freedoms and values of America to preserve our great Republic. …that America must adopt a politically correct, multi-cultural set of values which denies common American heritage and will further divide American society.
…there can be differences of opinion and that such differences such result in opponents, not enemies. …that all whom oppose them are to be treated as enemies.
…that all of America’s citizens can enjoy the rights and freedoms of our country without diminishing the rights of others. …that some must give up a portion of their rights and freedoms that others may enjoy those same rights and freedoms.
…that public servants, particularly those whom we elect to office, must be held accountable to the highest standards of ethical conduct. 

“If a man cannot be trusted with the government of himself, can he be trusted with the government of others?” [Thomas Jefferson] 

…that loyalty to a discredited leader is a virtue and if other office holders have committed indiscretions, a sitting office holder should not be criticized for failing to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct.


Here are some break down on the other issues


First the main thing is:

  • Democrat- Liberal- Wants to change.
  • Republican- Conservative- Follows established tradition more often.

Here are some common issues:


  • Democrat- Would like to decrease military spending, and strengthen organizations like NATO and the UN.
  • Republican- Would rather have a strong military.

Gun Control

  • Democrat- More gun laws are needed.
  • Republican- Against new gun laws.

Gay Rights

  • Democrat- Usually for gay rights and sees it as OK for some to be with who they choose.
  • Republican- Usually hold the view that marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Minimum Wage

  • Democrat- Believes a living wage above the poverty line should be given.
  • Republican- Believe that free market should determine wages.

Death Penalty

  • Democrat- Does not believe a live should be taken as punishment.
  • Republican- The death penalty can be necessary.


  • Democrat- The most taxes should go to those with the most money.
  • Republican- Believes that taxes should stay low to benefit the economy and believes in tax cuts.

Flag Burning

  • Democrat- It should be allowed due to freedom of speech.
  • Republican- Should not be allowed as that is not what the constitution intended.


  • Democrat- It should be the woman’s choice.
  • Republican- The government should protect the unborn child’s life.

So now after that article, maybe you will go out and vote for which party the president should be that will run this country.

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June 13, 2011



We will take a look at Conservative Beliefs and compare them to Liberal Beliefs. To show how their Beliefs conflict within liberals own beliefs and defy logic and common sense.

Conservatives believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals. Their policies generally emphasize empowerment of the individual to solve problems.

Liberals believe in governmental action to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all, and that it is the duty of the State to alleviate social ills and to protect civil liberties and individual and human rights. Believe the role of the government should be to guarantee that no one is in need. Believe that people are basically good. Liberal policies generally emphasize the need for the government to solve people’s problems.



Conservatives believe human life begins at conception. Abortion is the murder of a human being. Nobody has the right to murder a human being. Support legislation to prohibit partial birth abortions, called the “Partial Birth Abortion Ban” Partial birth abortion is the killing of an unborn baby of at least 20 weeks by pulling it out of the birth canal with forceps, but leaving the head inside. An incision is made in the back of the baby’s neck and the brain tissue is suctioned out. The head is then removed from the uterus.

Liberals believe a fetus is not a human life. The decision to have an abortion is a personal choice of a woman regarding her own body and the government should stay out of it. Women should be guaranteed the right to a safe and legal abortion, including partial birth abortion.

Affirmative action

Conservatives believe People should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs Based on their ability. It is unfair to use race as a factor in the selection process. Reverse-discrimination is not a solution for racism.

Liberals believe Due to prevalent racism in the past, minorities were deprived of the same education and employment opportunities as whites. We need to make up for that. Support affirmative action based on the belief thatAmericais still a racist society. Minorities still lag behind whites in all statistical measurements of success. Also, the presence of minorities creates diversity.

Death penalty

Conservatives believe the death penalty is a punishment that if it fits the Crime it is neither ‘cruel’ nor ‘unusual’. Executing a murderer is the appropriate punishment for taking an innocent life.

Liberals believe we should abolish the death penalty. The death penalty is inhumane and is ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment. It does not deter crime. Imprisonment is the appropriate punishment. Every criminal execution risks killing an innocent person.

The Economy

Conservatives believe the free market system, competitive capitalism, and private enterprise afford the widest opportunity and the highest standard of living for all. Free markets produce more economic growth, more jobs and higher standards of living than those systems burdened by excessive government regulation.

Liberals favor a market system in which government regulates the economy. We need government to protect us against big businesses. Unlike the private sector, the government is motivated by public interest. We need government regulation to level the playing field.


Education – school vouchers

Conservatives believe School vouchers will give all parents the right to choose good schools for their children, not just those who can afford private schools. Parents who pay the taxes that fund the schools should decide how and where to educate their child.

Liberals believe School vouchers are untested experiments. We need to focus on more funding for existing public schools -to raise teacher salaries and reduce class size.

The Environment

Conservatives believe Desire clean water, clean air and a clean planet, just like everyone else. However, extreme environmental policies destroy jobs and damage the economy. Changes in global temperatures are natural over long periods of time. So far, science has not shown that humans can affect permanent change to the earth’s temperature.

Liberals believe that conservatives don’t care about protecting the environment. Industrial growth harms the environment. Global warming is caused by an increased production of carbon dioxide. a major contributor to global warming because it produces 25% of the world’s carbon dioxide. TheU.S.should enact laws to significantly reduce that amount.

Gun control

Conservatives believe The Second Amendment gives the individual the right to keep and bear arms. Gun control laws do not thwart criminals. You have a right to defend yourself against criminals. More guns mean less crime

Liberals believe the Second Amendment gives no individual the right to own a gun, but allows the state to keep a militia (National Guard). Guns kill people. Guns kill children.

Health care

Conservatives believe free healthcare provided by the government (socialized medicine) means that everyone will get the same poor-quality healthcare. The rich will continue to pay for superior healthcare, while all others will receive poor-quality free healthcare from the government. Health care should remain privatized. Conservatives support healthcare spending accounts.

Liberals believe Support universal government-supervised health care. There are millions of Americans who can’t afford health insurance. They are being deprived of a basic right to healthcare


Conservatives Support legal immigration at current numbers, but do not support illegal immigration. Government should enforce immigration laws. Oppose President Bush’s amnesty plan for illegal immigrants. Those who break the law by entering theU.S.illegally should not have the same rights as those who obey the law by entering legally. If there were a decrease in cheap, illegal immigrant labor, employers would have to substitute higher-priced domestic employees or legal immigrants,

Liberals Support illegal immigration and increasing the number of legal immigrants permitted to enter theU.S.each year. Support blanket amnesty for current illegal immigrants. Believe that regardless of how they came to theU.S., illegal immigrants deserveU.S.government financial aid for college tuition. Liberals Support Visas for spouses and children to come to the U.S. Families shouldn’t be separated. Illegal immigrants do the jobs that Americans do not want to do.


Conservatives believe the phrase “separation of church and state” is not in the Constitution. For a very good reason it’s not in the Constitution. The First Amendment to the Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” This prevents the government from establishing a national church. However, it does not prevent God from being acknowledged in schools and government buildings. Oppose the removal of symbols of Christian heritage from public and government spaces. Government should not interfere with religion and religious freedom.

The liberal supports the separation of church and state. Religious expression has no place in government. Support the removal of all references to God in public and government spaces. Religion should not interfere with government.



Same-sex marriage

Conservatives believe Marriage is between one man and one woman. Opinions differ on support for the creation of a constitutional amendment establishing marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Believe that requiring citizens to sanction same-sex relationships violates moral and religious beliefs of millions of Christians, Jews, Muslims and others who believe marriage is the union of a man and a woman.

Liberals believe marriage should be legal for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender couples to ensure equal rights for all. All individuals, regardless of their sex, have the right to marry. Believe that prohibiting same-sex citizens from marrying denies them of their civil rights. Opinions differ on whether this issue is equal to civil rights for African Americans

Social Security

Conservatives believe the current Social Security system is in serious financial trouble. Changes are necessary because theU.S.will be unable to maintain the current system it in the future. Support proposal to allow a portion of Social Security dollars withheld to be put into an account chosen by the individual, not the government.

Liberals generally oppose change to the current Social Security system. Opinions vary on whether the current system is in financial trouble. Changing the current system will cause people to lose their Social Security benefits. Support a cap on Social Security payments to the wealthy.


Conservatives support lower taxes and a smaller government. Lower taxes create more incentive for people to work, save, invest, and engage in entrepreneurial endeavors. Money is best spent by those who earn it.

Liberals Support higher taxes and a larger government. High taxes enable the government to do well and create jobs. We need high taxes for social welfare programs, to provide for the poor. We can’t afford to cut taxes.


United Nations (UN)

Conservatives believe the UN has repeatedly failed in its essential mission to preserve world peace. The wars, genocide and human rights abuses of the majority of its member states and the UN’s failure to stop them prove this point. History shows that theUnited States, not the UN, is the global force for spreading freedom, prosperity, tolerance and peace. TheU.S.should never subvert its national interests to those of the UN.

Liberals believe theUnited Stateshas a moral and a legal obligation to support the United Nations. The UN can be effective in promoting peace and human rights. TheU.S.should not have acted inIraqwithout UN approval. TheU.S.should submit its national interests to the greater good as defined by the UN.

War on terror or terrorism

Conservatives believe the world toward which the Militant Islamists strive cannot peacefully co-exist with the Western world. In the last decade, Militant Islamists have repeatedly attacked Americans and American interests here and abroad. The terrorists must be stopped and destroyed.

Liberals believe 9/11 was caused byAmerica’s arrogant foreign policy.Americaneeds to stop angering other countries. The threat posed by terrorism is exaggerated by President Bush for his own political advantage.


Conservatives Oppose long-term welfare. We need to provide opportunities to make it possible for poor and low-income workers to become self-reliant. It is far more compassionate and effective to encourage a person to become self-reliant, rather than keeping them dependent on the government for money.

Liberals support welfare. We need welfare to provide for the poor. Conservatives oppose welfare because they are not compassionate toward the poor. We have welfare to bring fairness to American economic life. Without welfare, life below the poverty line would be intolerable.

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Tracking the Promises made so far by the GOP

May 9, 2011

Here are some of the promises that the GOP has kept so far to date:


Will repeal mandate in the health care bill that requires small business to “report to the IRS any purchases that run more than $600.00

Status: On April 15th, 2011 President Obama signed this bill into law.


Will make Congress do more with less by significantly reducing the budget significantly.

Status: On 1/7/2001 the House approved by a 410-13 vote a binding resolution that would cut the operating budget of members and communities by 5% or about 35 million annually.


Will require each bill moving through Congress to include a clause citing the specific constitutional authority upon which the bill is just.

Status: In January 2011, the House Republicans adopted a rule requiring it for all bills.

The constitutional justification does not appear in the actual text of a bill, but it can be found in the congressional record after a bill has been introduced the way the rule is written, no bill can be considered unless it includes a justification. 

If a bill does not contain a statement citing the constitutional authority, the clerks office will send it back to the sponsoring members office with a request to add the citation.


Will “oppose” card check schemes that (make it easier to join union and ) putWashingtonunion bosses before individuals right to secret ballot.

Status: The Democratic couldn’t get their 60 votes in the Senate that they needed to pass this bill in 2010 with the Republicans in charge it is very highly unlikely this bill will pass.

I will keep you posted on other promises that the GOP keeps.

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S-671 Findings and Fugitive Sex Offenders Act of 2011

 This bill is sponsored by Senator Jeff Sessions. This bill was introduced on March 19th, 2011 with bipartisan support.

 A bill to authorize the United States Marshall Service to issue administration subpoenas in investigation relating to unregistered sex offenders.

I am urging everyone to write to their Senators and House members to support this bill.

We need to give the United States Marshall every tool that they need in order to take down these sex offenders.

According to one of the bill’s main sponsors, Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions ofAlabama, S671 would allow the Marshals to hunt down unregistered sex offenders across jurisdictions in real-time.

“As offenders circumvent the law to hide their location, every second could mean the difference between life and death for a new set of victims,” says

Sen. Sessions. “Marshals must have the ability to quickly obtain vital information in these fast-moving investigations of unregistered sex offenders, so they will be able to find missing predators more easily and greatly curb the threat of future offenses.”

In addition to Sen. Sessions, other cosponsors of the bill include Sens. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn.; Orrin Hatch, R-Utah; Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Richard Burr, R-N.C.; Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga.; Thomas Coburn, R-Okla.;  Susan Collins, R-Maine; John Cornyn, R-Texas; Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.;  Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; Charles Grassley, R-Iowa; Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., Mike Lee, R-Utah; John Thune, R-S.D.; David Vitter, R-La.; Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I.

Sen. Sessions stated “As offenders circumvent the law to hide their location, every second could mean the difference between life and death for a new set of victims, he stated.

He also stated that “Marshals must have the ability to quickly obtain vital information in these fast-moving investigations of unregistered sex offenders, so they will be able to find missing predators more easily and greatly curb the threat of future offenses.”

 Here’s a sample of a letter that you can send to your U.S. Senator, asking them to support the Finding Fugitive Sex Offender Act of 2011:

Dear Senator ________________________

I’m writing to let you know that I support the passage of S671, “The Finding Fugitive Sex Offender Act of 2011.”

The Adam Walsh Child Safety and Protection Act, signed by President Bush in 2006, was a major step in protecting our children. It gives the U.S. Marshals Service primary authority to hunt down and arrest unregistered sex offenders. S671, introduced with bipartisan support, would give the Marshals a much-needed new tool to fulfill that mandate: administrative subpoena power that would allow the Marshals the ability to track unregistered sex offenders in real time across jurisdictions.

I hope you will do everything within your power to see that the Finding Fugitive Sex Offender Act of 2011 becomes law as quickly as possible so that America can be made safer for our children.

Your Name Here

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Republican Party v. Democrat Party

October 8, 2010

For those people that are Independent, For those people that have a tough time choosing between the Republican party or Democratic party I have put together some issues and where each party stands on these issues.


 Republicans support making it easier for families to make it in California by reducing  the taxes on income, savings, and purchasing the every day goods families needs.  California suffers from the highest tax burden in the west.  Republicans believes in lower taxes, the Democrats believe in raising taxes every chance the get.

 The Democrats consistently promote higher taxes on income and savings while also supporting hidden taxes like those in your telephone bills or electric bills.


 Republicans support maximizing personal freedoms by limiting how much government can tell California, how to live and work.  Republicans want to make it easier to create jobs in California by doing away with unnecessary paperwork for business.

 The Democratic party consistently working to make government bigger and more intrusive, telling California’s even what kind of light bulbs and TV they can have.


 Republicans support policies that recognizes people are responsible for their own actions.  Republicans hold criminal responsible for the crimes they commit and support tough measures to keep those who commit crimes off our streets and away from our schools.

 Democrats are always looking for ways to blame “society” for the actions of those who commit crimes and are constantly looking for ways to reduce the tough measures that have brought crime down in California and protected hundreds of thousands of citizens from criminals.

 Terrorism and National Defense

 Republicans support the building and maintaining a powerful national defense and keeping America on offense in the global war on terror.  Terror groups around the world must be confronted and defeated before they have the opportunity to hurt Americans here at home.

 Democrats gave gone back to the pre 9/11 days of treating terrorism like a law enforcement problem.

 The Republican party believes in Less Taxes, More Freedom, Tough on Crime and More Homeland Defense.

 The Democratic party believes in More Taxes, Less Freedom, Soft on Crime, Less Home Defense.  

This election lets chose the right party lets chose the Republican Party

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