Archive for category Border

Federal Government say’s California’s proposed immigrant driver’s license does not meet national standards.

Federal authorities stated that the proposed design for California driver’s license for immigrants who are in the country illegally does not meet national security standards.

Homeland Security officials told California’s Department of Motor Vehicles that the license would need to state on its face that it cannot be used for federal purposes and should contain a unique design or color.

As of now, federal officials have stated that the license will not meet requirements under the Real ID act.

California has been planning to issue licenses to immigrants with different lettering on the front and a notice that the card isn’t valid federal identification on the back.

A DMV spokesman says the agency will work with lawmakers, communities and federal officials on the new license.

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Los Angeles Police Department to Stop Seizing Cars of Illegal Immigrants

Back on March 17th, 2011, Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck has ordered his officers to stop seizing cars of sober but unlicensed undocumented immigrants when they are stopped in sobriety checkpoints.

 Instead of seizing these vehicles, the LAPD will let those who were stopped have a “reasonable time” to find someone who is licensed to who can drive their car home.

But, the LAPD will continue to seize and impound cars of citizens and legal residents who also don’t have a drivers license because they, unlike the illegal immigrants, have the option to apply for one.

 LAPD Charlie Beck said he made the changes because those must affected by the change were otherwise law-abiding, hardworking people.

 Illegal immigrants should not be getting any special treatments.  If they want to drive in this country, then they need to become a citizen and take a drivers test, just like everyone else in this country.

 It is getting a little annoying that we keep giving Illegal Immigrants a break.  They are the ones that are breaking the law and need to be punish.

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Virginia rules police can check Immigration Status

August 5, 2010

Virginia’s Attorney General issued an order that stated officers are allowed to check the Immigration Status of anyone “stopped or arrested”.

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli issued this opinion extending that authority to Virginia police in response to an inquriry over whether his state could mirror the policies that was passed by the state of  Arizona.

Could for Virigina for taking a stand on Illegal Immigration like  Arizona is doing.   More states need to follow in the steps of Arizona and Virginia. They need to allow law enforcement to check the Immigration status of Illegal Immigrants.

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Obama Adm. wants Illegal Immigrants to stay in the United States

July 30, 2010

The Obama Administration is considering ways to let undocumented immigrants stay in the United States.

A internal draft written by officials in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has outline ways that the government could provide “relief to illegal immigrants including delaying deportation for some time,and granting green cards to others.  President Obama favors to put the nations est. 12 million undocument immigrants on a path to legal status. In other words he wants to grant amnesty to all these 12 million undocument immigrants.

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June 24, 2010

As the Justice department is getting ready to file a lawsuit against Arizona for their recently passed Immigration law, I decided to do some research and I found some cases that favors this new law.

United States v. Salinas-Calderon.  728 F 2d 1298 (1984) United States Court of Appeals 10th circuit. 

 In this case the court stated “A state trooper has general investigatory authority to inquire into possible immigration violations.  Moreover, the troopers questions about the green card was reasonable under the circumstances and thus lawful”.

United States v. Favela-Favela 41 Fed.Appx 185 United States Court of Appeals 10th circuit (2002).

In this case the court stated that “A state trooper did not violate the defendant’s rights by asking questions about his immigration status, after pulling the defendant over for a traffic violation and noticing that there was 20 people in the van the defendant was driving.

 Muehler v. Mena  544 U.S. 93 (2005)  The United States Supreme Court that a police officer does not need independent reasonable suspicion to question an individual about their immigration status. 

 United States v. Vasquez-Alvarez  176 F. 3rd 1294 (1999) United States Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit.  The court stated that state and local law enforcement officers are empowered to arrest for violations of federal law, as long as such arrest is authorized by state law.

 As you can see these are just some of the federal court cases that do supports Arizona’s new immigration law.  This law will stand the court test and will be found to be constitutional.

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Orange California backs Arizona’s new Immigration law

June 10, 2010

The City of Orange California voted 4-0 to back two resolutions supporting Arizona’s immigration reform bill.

The council declare the City of Orange “A rule of law” and officially supports the residence and business of Arizona in their efforts to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.

22 speakers spoke to urge the city to pass the resolution and 15 spoke out against it.

Supporters said it was necessary to show where the City of Orange stands on an important national issues and to show support for the people of Arizona.

Opponents called the action offensive, divisive and a waste of time because the resolution will not how Orange handles immigration issues.

Councilman Jon Dumitru introduced the two measures partly because he said illegal immigration has contributed to the city’s budget deficit.

Besides Orange, Costa Mesa and Yorba Linda have declared there support for the new Arizona Immigration law.

We need more cities in California to show their support for Arizona and for the new Immigration law that they passed.

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Teen Gets 40 Years in prison for killing Border Patrol Agent

A mexican teenager pleaded guilty to the execution style murder of a United States Border Patrol Agent and he was sentenced to 40 years in jail.

 Border Patrol Agent Robert W. Rosas Jr was a 30 year old father of two.  He was on routine night patrol when he was shot multiple times in the head after putting up a struggle.

 The defendant Christian Daniel Castro-Alvarez and two other suspects crossed over from Mexico on the night of July 23, 2009 intending to rob an agent.  They executed Rosas just north of the rural town of Campo about 60 miles east of San Diego.  The three men lured Rosas out of his vehicle by leaving footprints in the road and making noises.

 While the defendant held Rosas at gunpoint, his accomplices took night vision googles and other items from his idling vehicle. When Rosas tried to take the gun a struggle ensued and Castro-Alvarez called for help.  The agent was shot nine times while trying to break free.

 All three men escaped by fleeing over the border to Mexico.  Castro-Alvarez who was shot in the hand, left a trial a blood that later provided DNA evidence.  He surrender to Mexican and US authorities in November and pleaded guilty to murder.  To date the other two suspects are on the run.

 This is why we need the federal government to step up and finish building the fence along the US Mexico border.  These three men were able to walk across and ambush this Border Patrol Agent.

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Arizona Passes strict border rule

On April 14, 2010 Arizona lawmakers approved the toughest measure in the county against illegal immigration, directing local police to determine whether people are in the country legally.

 The measure passed 35-21 in the State House of Representatives. The State Senate passed a similar measure earlier this year and Republican Governor Jim Brewer is expected to sign bll.

 The bill will make it a milsdeameanor to lack proper immigration paperork in Arizona. It also requires police officer, if they form a “reasonable suspicion” that someone is an illegal immigrant, to determine the person’s immigration status.

 “Illegal Immigration brings crime, kidnapping, drugs and drains our government services”, said Rep. John Kavanagh, a Republican.

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