Archive for category 911

First Respondent from 9/11 suffering from cancer


Frank Osekowsky

There has been growing concerns over the years of health effects arising from the Sept 11 attacks in the financial district of lower Manhattan.

A startling number of healthy, young cops have been diagnosed with cancer since working at ground zero.  The causes ranges from lung which is the most with 19 reported cases to other cancers that attacks the bile duct, tongue and nasal passages.

Since the September 11 attacks 56 cops have died from cancer, according to the PBA.

Cancer is not covered under the Zadroga Act which was passed by the Federal government after the 9/11 attacks.

The Zadroga Act

On December 22, 2010, the United States Senate passed a 9/11 health bill.  The bill calls for providing $1.8 billion until 2015 to monitor and treat injuries stemming from exposure to toxic dust and debris at the World Trade Center site.  There are nearly 60,00 people enrolled in health-monitoring and treatment programs related to the 9/11 attacks.  The bill is formally known as the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, named after a New York Police detective who took part in the rescue efforts at ground zero and later developed breathing complications.

A decision will be made in March on whether or not to include cancer in this act.

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What about the Greek Orthodox Church on the 911 site

August 22, 2010

President Obama came out and said that the mosque can be build by ground zero because of freedom religion.

How come the, has President Obama has not made a comment about a Greek Orthodox Church that was destroyed on the 911 attacks.  This church was built in 1922.

 Liberals have constantly stated that the Muslims have the right to build their mosque because of the protection of the first amendment right.

 And any hint of opposition to the building of this mosque have been described as a ‘racist”.

 The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey have stalled this project for the past nine years. 

 Shame on Mayor Michael  Bloomberg and the members of his Landmarks Preservation Commission for  voting 9-0 to allow the building of a Muslim mosque at ground zero in  New York City.

 Why  is the mosque put on the fast track to construction when St. Nicholas’  reconstruction is being hindered by New York City bureaucracy?

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