Appeals Court Blocks Pa.Town’s Crackdown on Illegal Immigrations


September 9, 2010

A federal appeals court ruled that Hazelon Pa may not enforce its crackdown on illegal immigrants, dealing yet another blow to the 4 year old regulation that inspired similar measures around the country, including Arizona.

 The 3rd United States Court of Appeals in Philadelphia said that this Pa. town called the Illegal Immigration Relief Act unsurped the federal government’s exclusive power to regulate immigration.

 This act became law in 2006 after two illegal immigrants were charged in a fatal shooting. 

 Hazleton’s act was copied by dozens of cities throughout the nation that believe the federal government hasn’t done enough to stop illegal immigration. 

The town of Hazleton has also sought to fine landlords who rent to illegal immigrants and deny business permits to companies that give them jobs.  A companion measure required prospective tenants to register with City Hall and pay for a rental permit.

Once again this is just another city in our  nation that is tired of waiting for the federal government to take care of the illegal immigration problem that is going on in our country.

 The federal government has stated that the immigration problem is a federal matter not a state matter.  But yet the federal government to date has done nothing to curb the growing illegal immigration problem.

 The American people are tired of illegal immigrants coming to this county and taking over jobs, getting free education, free welfare and free healthcare.

 The American people are tired of their tax dollars going to support illegal immigrants, they are tired of them getting a free pass. 

 I hope that more states follows’ the leads of Arizona and start to crack down on illegal immigration.

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