Will the Democrats lose the 2012 Presidential Election like they did in 1980?

Frank Osekowsky

February 22, 2012

“Are you better off now than you were four years ago,” Ronald Reagan asked back in 1980, while running for President.  The voters said No and elected him as President.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan saw a nation in trouble and offered a clear alternative to Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter was in trouble with the voters because of economic conditions, and the capture of the American Embassy in Iran.

The Carter administration had an unemployment rate of 7.5%.  President Obama has an unemployment rate of 9%.

Jimmy Carter came to be perceived like Obama has as a weak, vacillating leader under whose presidency the economy deteriorated badly.  Jimmy Carter allowed Iran to fall to Islam.  Just like several middle eastern nations are now falling that way under Obama.

In 1977, President Jimmy Carter signed into Law, the Community Reinvestment Act which for decades forced banks to make loans to poor people.

President Obama is still promoting Community Reinvestment Act, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mae today even after they directly caused our collapse our economic collapse.

President Ronald Reagan is the only post depression president to win reelection with an unemployment rate over 6%.  Reagan had gotten unemployment down to 7% from 10%.

Obama aides said they planned to point to the bad economy the president inherited, how he made it better, and warn that going back to the other party’s control would be an economic U-turn. Just like Jimmy Carter did in 1980.

Who every the Republican candidate is they will be asking the voters the same question come November.  “Are you better off now , then you were four years ago.”

In the end, people will look at the state of the economy. They will not care whether Mr. Obama has been “lucky” or “unlucky.” They will look at the results.. The polling may show a tight race for a while, but in the end, Obama will lose, badly.

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