Archive for February, 2012

Justices to Review Affirmative Action

Frank Osekowsky

February 23, 20212

A challenge from a white student who was denied admission to the University of Texas flagship campus will be the high court’s first look at affirmative action in higher education since its 2003 decision endorsing the use of race as a factor.

A federal appeals court upheld the Texas program at issue, saying it was allowed under the high court in Grother v. Bollinger in 2003.  That upheld racial consideration in university admission at the university of Michigan Law school.

Abigial Fisher filed a lawsuit along with another women when they were denied admission at the university Austin campus.  They contended the school race-conscious policy violated their civil and constitutional rights.

Justice Elena Kagan, is not taking part in this case.

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Will the Democrats lose the 2012 Presidential Election like they did in 1980?

Frank Osekowsky

February 22, 2012

“Are you better off now than you were four years ago,” Ronald Reagan asked back in 1980, while running for President.  The voters said No and elected him as President.

In 1980, Ronald Reagan saw a nation in trouble and offered a clear alternative to Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter was in trouble with the voters because of economic conditions, and the capture of the American Embassy in Iran.

The Carter administration had an unemployment rate of 7.5%.  President Obama has an unemployment rate of 9%.

Jimmy Carter came to be perceived like Obama has as a weak, vacillating leader under whose presidency the economy deteriorated badly.  Jimmy Carter allowed Iran to fall to Islam.  Just like several middle eastern nations are now falling that way under Obama.

In 1977, President Jimmy Carter signed into Law, the Community Reinvestment Act which for decades forced banks to make loans to poor people.

President Obama is still promoting Community Reinvestment Act, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mae today even after they directly caused our collapse our economic collapse.

President Ronald Reagan is the only post depression president to win reelection with an unemployment rate over 6%.  Reagan had gotten unemployment down to 7% from 10%.

Obama aides said they planned to point to the bad economy the president inherited, how he made it better, and warn that going back to the other party’s control would be an economic U-turn. Just like Jimmy Carter did in 1980.

Who every the Republican candidate is they will be asking the voters the same question come November.  “Are you better off now , then you were four years ago.”

In the end, people will look at the state of the economy. They will not care whether Mr. Obama has been “lucky” or “unlucky.” They will look at the results.. The polling may show a tight race for a while, but in the end, Obama will lose, badly.

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John Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln



The coincidence between Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy are a piece of American folklore of unknown origin.

Some of the items are true, some may not be.

Both Presidents were elected to the Presidency in ’60. (1860 for Lincoln and 1960 for JFK).

Both Presidents were elected to the House of Representatives (1846 for Lincoln and 1946 for JFK).

Both were runners up for the party’s nomination for Vice President. (’56)

Both their VP’s/successors were Southern Dem.  Named Johnson were born in ’08.

Both Presidents were concerned with the problems of black Americans and made their views strongly known in ’63.  Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, which became law in 1863.  In 1963, Kennedy presented his reports to Congress on Civil Rights, and the same year was the famous March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.

Both presidents were in shot in their heads.

Both presidents were shot from behind.

Both presidents were shot in presence of their wives.

Both presidents were shot on a Friday.

Both presidents were accompanied by another couple.

The male companion of the other couple was wounded by the assassin.

Both presidents had a son die during their presidency.

Both John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald were killed before they could be put on trial.

Both presidents last name have 7 letters.

Booth ran from a theatre to a warehouse, Oswald ran from a warehouse to a theatre.

John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald both have 15 letters in their names.

Both assassins were born in the late ’30s.

Both assassins sympathized with anti-American organizations.

Both assassins were killed within the calendar month before they could be tried.

Both assassins were killed in states located immediately west of the states of their births.

 So, are these above items are facts or just coincidence?  You decide.

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First Respondent from 9/11 suffering from cancer


Frank Osekowsky

There has been growing concerns over the years of health effects arising from the Sept 11 attacks in the financial district of lower Manhattan.

A startling number of healthy, young cops have been diagnosed with cancer since working at ground zero.  The causes ranges from lung which is the most with 19 reported cases to other cancers that attacks the bile duct, tongue and nasal passages.

Since the September 11 attacks 56 cops have died from cancer, according to the PBA.

Cancer is not covered under the Zadroga Act which was passed by the Federal government after the 9/11 attacks.

The Zadroga Act

On December 22, 2010, the United States Senate passed a 9/11 health bill.  The bill calls for providing $1.8 billion until 2015 to monitor and treat injuries stemming from exposure to toxic dust and debris at the World Trade Center site.  There are nearly 60,00 people enrolled in health-monitoring and treatment programs related to the 9/11 attacks.  The bill is formally known as the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act, named after a New York Police detective who took part in the rescue efforts at ground zero and later developed breathing complications.

A decision will be made in March on whether or not to include cancer in this act.

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 February 9th 2012

Frank Osekowsky

The Institute for the Intellecutal Development of Children and Youth Adults have banned the sale of the Simpson Dolls. They would not say why they were having the dolls banned, but they did say that any dolls that had distinguishable adult genitals, or any dolls of adults at all, were banned “because these dolls are promoters of Western culture.”

But the Institute is allowing for the sale of Spiderman and Superman dolls. Mr. Mohammad Hossein Farjoo said that these dolls were authorized for sale. These dolls were allowed for sale because they helped the “opposed”

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4TH Amendment to the United States Constitution states: :The right of the people to be secure in their person, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particular describing the place to be searched, and the  person or things to be seized.

Commissioner Ray Kelly of the NYPD is in talks with the Pentagon to secure body scanners that will be used throughout the Big Apple.

According to Commission Kelly this new technology would be only used in “Reasonably suspicious circumstances”.  But what constitutes “suspicious” in the eyes of the NYPD?.

The technology that Commissioner Kelly is looking to acquire is called Terahertz Imagining Detection scanners, this high tech radiation detector will measure energy that is emitted from a person’s body. 

These scanners will allow the NYPD to conduct illegal searches by means of scanning anyone that is walking down the streets of New York .  Any object that is on your person could be privy to the eyes of the detector, and any suspicious screens can prompt the police to search someone on suspicion of having a gun, or anything else under their clothes.

So basically anyone that is walking down the street can be a subject of a search without knowing it.

Last May, the NYPD revealed that of the over 180,000 stop and frisk encounters reported %88 of them ended in neither an arrest nor a summons leading many to assume that New York Cops are already going above and beyond the law by searching seemingly anyone that they chose.

The question is then does this searches fall under the 4th Amendment rights in regards to search and seizure.

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