Archive for May, 2011


May 22, 2011

The powerful teachers union inCaliforniahas been blaming the Republican Party that they do not care about Education inCalifornia.  That we do not care about children.

  • Republicans believe that protecting education should be our highest priorities
  • Republicans will not vote for deeper cuts to education spending this year.  Democrats have not made the same promises
  • Republicans will not support suspending Prop 98 which would allow the legislation to reduce education funding below mandated levels.
  • Republicans have asked the governor to earnmark $2.5 billion in unexpected tax revenues to be spent specifically to save K-12 education from deeper cuts.  Democrats have yet to support this request.
  • Republicans also propose giving more control to local education leaders, reduce the number of mandated programs, and give school boards many say over teacher placement and that any layoffs should be based on performance not seniority.

Other news about the California Teachers Association:

Over the past few weeks the California Teachers Association was holding rallies across the State of California to push lawmakers to drop the public vote plan and approve the tax hikes by a 2/3 vote in the legislature.

Here is what is wrong about the CTA

  • The CTA is just asking for more money for a failed system
  • The CTA is the biggest obstacle to long-overdue education reforms
  • The CTA keeps teachers in class based on seniority, not for who’s the best teacher available based on need.
  • The CTA always protects bad teachers. 

 The Republican party loves teachers and our children.  Jerry Brown and the democrats would rather protect union bosses at the expenses of students than protect students at the expenses of union bosses.

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May 22, 2011

In 2009, the retail store Mervyns closed all of its doors after it filed for Bankruptcy.

But we fast forward to 2011.  Not only has Mervyns been out of business for over two years but it has been announced that John Morris, the son of the Department store chain founder Mervin Morris, along with his two brothers have agreed to re-buy the Mervyns name and its internet- related intellectual properties.

“Its great to have it back in our family after 31 years said Mr. Morris, principal of Morris Management a private-equity and real-estate Investment Company”. We strongly believed we have a very strong, loyal base of families in the Western States that would support Mervyns.

The brothers have yet to decide how they are going to proceed with the re-opening of Mervyns.  They may either re-open it as retail stores or as an on-line website only.

Being a former employee it was a sad day when Mervyns went out of business.  I am happy to see that the Mervyns name is back with the family were it belongs.  I hope that the brothers can make this store what it used to be.  Hopefully they can succeed.  I wish them good luck.  As soon as I hear any other news I will make it know.

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May 21, 2011

I usually do not write about tv shows that have been cancelled but I need to write about this one.

On May 17, 2011, Fox announced the cancellation of its longest-running reality crime show American Most Wanted.

Fox entertainment executive Kevin Reilly explained when making the announcement.  He stated that the show was basically becoming too expensive.

A campaign is going on right now to save this great show.  This is not the first time the show was canceled.  In 1996, an outpouring of support from fans, politicians, and law enforcement compelled Fox to reconsider after they announced they were taking the show off the air.

A facebook page called Save American Most Wanted has been started by Jim Sitton.  Jim Sitton credits the show for catching the man suspected of killing his 6 year old daughter and 3 other relatives on Thanksgiving in 2009.  The show help capture Paul Michael Merhige, who disappeared after the shooting.  Merhige was found after a couple who owned a Long Key,Flamotel saw a promotion for the show during a January 2010 college football game and recognized him as a guest.  Hours later, he was arrested.  His trial is set for later this year.

The show today has helped to catch more than 1.150 fugitives-including 17 of the FBI’s most wanted and find more than 50 missing children.

Please visit this facebook page today and sign the petition to keep the show on the air.

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Tracking the Promises made so far by the GOP

May 9, 2011

Here are some of the promises that the GOP has kept so far to date:


Will repeal mandate in the health care bill that requires small business to “report to the IRS any purchases that run more than $600.00

Status: On April 15th, 2011 President Obama signed this bill into law.


Will make Congress do more with less by significantly reducing the budget significantly.

Status: On 1/7/2001 the House approved by a 410-13 vote a binding resolution that would cut the operating budget of members and communities by 5% or about 35 million annually.


Will require each bill moving through Congress to include a clause citing the specific constitutional authority upon which the bill is just.

Status: In January 2011, the House Republicans adopted a rule requiring it for all bills.

The constitutional justification does not appear in the actual text of a bill, but it can be found in the congressional record after a bill has been introduced the way the rule is written, no bill can be considered unless it includes a justification. 

If a bill does not contain a statement citing the constitutional authority, the clerks office will send it back to the sponsoring members office with a request to add the citation.


Will “oppose” card check schemes that (make it easier to join union and ) putWashingtonunion bosses before individuals right to secret ballot.

Status: The Democratic couldn’t get their 60 votes in the Senate that they needed to pass this bill in 2010 with the Republicans in charge it is very highly unlikely this bill will pass.

I will keep you posted on other promises that the GOP keeps.

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S-671 Findings and Fugitive Sex Offenders Act of 2011

 This bill is sponsored by Senator Jeff Sessions. This bill was introduced on March 19th, 2011 with bipartisan support.

 A bill to authorize the United States Marshall Service to issue administration subpoenas in investigation relating to unregistered sex offenders.

I am urging everyone to write to their Senators and House members to support this bill.

We need to give the United States Marshall every tool that they need in order to take down these sex offenders.

According to one of the bill’s main sponsors, Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions ofAlabama, S671 would allow the Marshals to hunt down unregistered sex offenders across jurisdictions in real-time.

“As offenders circumvent the law to hide their location, every second could mean the difference between life and death for a new set of victims,” says

Sen. Sessions. “Marshals must have the ability to quickly obtain vital information in these fast-moving investigations of unregistered sex offenders, so they will be able to find missing predators more easily and greatly curb the threat of future offenses.”

In addition to Sen. Sessions, other cosponsors of the bill include Sens. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn.; Orrin Hatch, R-Utah; Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.; Richard Burr, R-N.C.; Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga.; Thomas Coburn, R-Okla.;  Susan Collins, R-Maine; John Cornyn, R-Texas; Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.;  Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; Charles Grassley, R-Iowa; Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., Mike Lee, R-Utah; John Thune, R-S.D.; David Vitter, R-La.; Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I.

Sen. Sessions stated “As offenders circumvent the law to hide their location, every second could mean the difference between life and death for a new set of victims, he stated.

He also stated that “Marshals must have the ability to quickly obtain vital information in these fast-moving investigations of unregistered sex offenders, so they will be able to find missing predators more easily and greatly curb the threat of future offenses.”

 Here’s a sample of a letter that you can send to your U.S. Senator, asking them to support the Finding Fugitive Sex Offender Act of 2011:

Dear Senator ________________________

I’m writing to let you know that I support the passage of S671, “The Finding Fugitive Sex Offender Act of 2011.”

The Adam Walsh Child Safety and Protection Act, signed by President Bush in 2006, was a major step in protecting our children. It gives the U.S. Marshals Service primary authority to hunt down and arrest unregistered sex offenders. S671, introduced with bipartisan support, would give the Marshals a much-needed new tool to fulfill that mandate: administrative subpoena power that would allow the Marshals the ability to track unregistered sex offenders in real time across jurisdictions.

I hope you will do everything within your power to see that the Finding Fugitive Sex Offender Act of 2011 becomes law as quickly as possible so that America can be made safer for our children.

Your Name Here

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