Archive for February, 2011


1. AB 884 this bill would require law enforcement to give written notice to neighbors living within 1,000 feet of a paroled molester within 5 days of the offender moving into the neighborhood. Nearby schools and daycare centers also would get notice.2. AB 883 this bill is being requested by the State Department of Justice. It would let the Department consider the underlying facts of a case when deciding whether someone convicted in another state must register as a sex offender in California.

3. AB 886 This bill would require judges to keep victim impact statements confidential until they are read aloud in court during a criminal’s sentencing hearing.

4. AB 620-Public colleges and university would have to train employees to spot and prevent bullying and harassment of homosexual and transgender students. The bill by Assemblyman Marty Block-D San Diego would require the institutions to include a policy on harassment and intimidation in their student codes of conduct.

5. Sb 575-This bill would end exemptions that allow smoking in some areas of motel, and hotel lobbies, meeting and banquet rooms, retail or wholesale tobacco shops, warehouses, break rooms and at business with five or fewer employees.

These are just some of the 2,323 bills that were submitted last week before the deadline.

Let me know what you think of these bills that I have listed.

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