Archive for September, 2010

Republicans v. Democratic when Controling Congress

2003-2006 Republican Congress

2007-2010 Democratic Congress

 Unemployment Rate

  1. Democratic Congress Present Data July 2010                    9.5%
  2. Republican Congress December 2006-Final Month            4.5%

 Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics

   Total Number of Unemployed

     1. Democrat Congress Present Data July 2010            14.6 m

     2. Republican Congress Dec 2006-Final Mth                  7.0 m

 Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics

Total Deficits  

Democrat Congress  4 yearly Deficits                 $3 trillion, 374 Billion 

Republican Congress 4yearly Deficits                 $1 trillion, 356 Billion

 Source:  Budget of the United States, Office of the President

Black Unemployment

       1. Democrats- July 2010                                    15.6%

       2. Republicans December 2006                         8.4%

 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

Hispanic Unemployment

        1. Democrats-July 2010                                      26.1%

        2. Republicans December 2006                          4.9%

 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

 Teen Unemployment

      1. Democrats-July 2010                                          26.1%

      2. Republicans December 2006                              15.2%

Numbers do not lie, the Democrats keep saying that they are for the America people.  Well from these numbers they are not for the America people.  They do not represent the America people like they say they do.

Remember these numbers when it comes to the elections in November.

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Ronald Reagan BioPicture Planned for next year

September 23, 2010

The story of Ronald Reagan’s life from his boyhood years to his Hollywood years and his years of President of the United States is coming to the big screen sometime next year.

 The film will be titled “Reagan” and will have a budget of $30 million dollars. The movie will be based on two best-selling biographies of the 40th United States President by Paul Kengor: “The Crusader” and “God and Ronald Reagan”.

 Mark Joseph, who optioned the books four years ago, is co-producing with Ralph Winter and Jonas McCord wrote the script.

 Ralph Winter’s producing credits include four X-Men movies, two “Fantastic Four” movies and the 2001 remake of “Planet of the Apes”. 

 Jonas McCord whose credits include “Malice” and “The Body.”

 No actors or director have been signed, and the producers are considering two distribution offers. 

 This is the first film on Ronald Reagan since 2003 when CBS tried a miniseries starring James Brolin.  The miniseries  was moved to Showtime after a controversy erupted over claims that the filmmakers instituted a left wing bias into the program.

Let’s hope that this movie does not have a left wing bias to it

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Reasons Why Barbara Boxer will lose in November

Why Carly will defeat Boxer this November

 September 23, 2010

 Reason 1 Carly is opposed to tax increases on hard-working Americans, which will only further slow down economic recovery and expand government even more.

 Reason 2 Carly has called for a two year payroll tax holiday to give small businesses and start ups an incentive to hire unemployed workers.

 Reason 3 Carly believes government can best support economic growth by getting out of the way of small businesses and entrepreneurs that are trying to grow and hire.

 Reason 4 Carly has proposed creating “Jobs for Americans” Zones that will help lure manufacturing jobs back to America through targeted, substantial federal tax benefits.

 Reason 5 Carly opposes the largest tax increases in American history scheduled to go into effect January 2011.  This tax increase will cost the average middle-income family in California more than $1,600.00 every year.

 Reason 6 Boxer has voted for more than $1 trillion in higher taxes over her career in Washington. Some of the higher taxes she’s supported included the gas tax, the income tax and the death tax.  And, she’s opposed expanding tax credits for adoption and children.

 Reason 7 Boxer has repeatedly supported higher taxes on small businesses and entrepreneurs, inhibiting them from growth and succeeding.

 Reason 8 Boxer voted for an $862 billion big-government stimulus plan that cost tax payers money, but since its passage, California has lost hundreds of thousand of jobs.

 Reason 9 Boxer supports tax increase and has made no proposal as a U.S. senator to ensure it does not go into effect.

 Comes this November we must vote out on the most liberal senators in United States History Senator Barbara Boxer.

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My Predictions for Senate Races for November

September 9, 2010

 As we are getting closer to the Mid term elections I have put together my predictions for the Senate and House races.

 Senate Races

 Republicans will win or retain the following seats:

  2. COLORADO    (D)
  3. ILL.                   (D)  OPEN SEAT
  4. ALASKA          (R)
  5. INDIANA          (D)  OPEN SEAT
  6. ARKANSAS      (D)
  8. LOUSIANA       (R)
  9. NORTH CAR.    (R)
  10. ALA.                   (R)
  11. ARIZONA          (R)
  12. GEORGIA          (R)
  13. IOWA                 (R)
  14. IDAHO               (R)
  15. KANSAS            (R)  OPEN SEAT
  16. OKLAHOMA    (R)
  17. SOUTH DAK.     (R)
  18. UTAH                 (R)
  19. CONN                 (D)  OPEN SEAT
  20. WISC.                 (D)
  21. FLORIDA           (R)  OPEN SEAT
  22. KY                       (R)   OPEN SEAT
  23. WASHINGTON  (R)  
  24. PENN.                  (R)  OPEN SEAT
  25. OHIO                    (R)   OPEN SEAT
  26. NEVADA             (D) 
  27. NEW HAMP.        (R)    OPEN SEAT
  28. MO.                       (R)     OPEN SEAT


 Republicans will gain 48 seats in the House.  New House total will be Republicans 241 and Democrats 193

Democrats will win or retain senate seats in Hawaii, Maryland, New York, Oregon, Vermont, North Dakota, W.Virgina.

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