Archive for August, 2010

What about the Greek Orthodox Church on the 911 site

August 22, 2010

President Obama came out and said that the mosque can be build by ground zero because of freedom religion.

How come the, has President Obama has not made a comment about a Greek Orthodox Church that was destroyed on the 911 attacks.  This church was built in 1922.

 Liberals have constantly stated that the Muslims have the right to build their mosque because of the protection of the first amendment right.

 And any hint of opposition to the building of this mosque have been described as a ‘racist”.

 The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey have stalled this project for the past nine years. 

 Shame on Mayor Michael  Bloomberg and the members of his Landmarks Preservation Commission for  voting 9-0 to allow the building of a Muslim mosque at ground zero in  New York City.

 Why  is the mosque put on the fast track to construction when St. Nicholas’  reconstruction is being hindered by New York City bureaucracy?

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Federal government propose seat belts for motorcoaches

August 19, 2010

Federal transportation officials are proposing that motorcoach operators be required to install sealtbelts in their buses for the first time.

Under a regulation proposed by the United States Department of Transportation, operators would have three years to install lap shoulder belts.

Seatbelts can reduce deaths in motorcoach rollover accidents by an estimated 77 percent.  The lack of seatbelts have citied by investigators as a factor in several fatal accidents.

Nine people were killed and 43 injuried in a January 2008 crash in Utah.  The bus’s roof was sheared off and everyone aboard was ejected except for the driver who was wearing a seatbelt on the bus.

It is about time the federal govenment have motorcoaches install seatbelts in their vehicles.

To many people are killed each year that involve motorcoaches.

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Lawmakers want to change 14th Amendment for illegal immigrants

Amendment 14th

“All person born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jursidiction thereof are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside”.

Every since last year lawmakers in Congress ahve been throwing around a proposal to ban United States born children of illegal immigrants from becoming United States children.

Senator Lindsay Graham R-SC stated that “birthright citizenship needs to be changed”.

Senator Graham stated that he might introduce a constitutional amendment to denied children that are born here to illegal immigrants be denied U.S. citizenship.

For a constitutional amendment to happen takes time.  It would take 2/3 votes in both chambers.  Then it would have to be ratified by 3/4 of the states-38 states.

In April 2009, former Georgia Rep. Nathan Deal introduced a bill in the House calling for the law to be changed so that “birthright citizens” as stated in the 14th amendment should only apply if one of the child’s parent is a United S tates citizen, or national ora legal immigrant.

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Virginia rules police can check Immigration Status

August 5, 2010

Virginia’s Attorney General issued an order that stated officers are allowed to check the Immigration Status of anyone “stopped or arrested”.

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli issued this opinion extending that authority to Virginia police in response to an inquriry over whether his state could mirror the policies that was passed by the state of  Arizona.

Could for Virigina for taking a stand on Illegal Immigration like  Arizona is doing.   More states need to follow in the steps of Arizona and Virginia. They need to allow law enforcement to check the Immigration status of Illegal Immigrants.

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The Public Utilities Commission voted unamiously to bar utlities from demanding additional deposits from low-income customers. Utility companies are also now required to inform customers who are behind that they have a right to arrange payment plans.

Customers who have been disconnected but don’t qualify for low income programs will get reductions in deposits needed to reconnect services.

The Number of customers denied services in recent years have risen dramatically in recent years because of the recession and high unemployment rates.

The PUC’s decision affects customers of Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas and Electric and Southern California Gas.

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Obama Adm. wants Illegal Immigrants to stay in the United States

July 30, 2010

The Obama Administration is considering ways to let undocumented immigrants stay in the United States.

A internal draft written by officials in the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has outline ways that the government could provide “relief to illegal immigrants including delaying deportation for some time,and granting green cards to others.  President Obama favors to put the nations est. 12 million undocument immigrants on a path to legal status. In other words he wants to grant amnesty to all these 12 million undocument immigrants.

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