Archive for June, 2010

What would our founding fathers think of America today

June 29, 2010

 With July 4th approaching, I wonder want would George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams and the rest of our founding fathers think of today’s government.

 First, they would say that our freedom and liberties are being slowly taken away from us.  I believe that our founding fathers would believe that our government is entrenching on our individual liberties.

 Second, our founding fathers did not want the federal government to be the sole legislative body of the united states. They would be very unhappy that the government has taken over the health care industry, the banking industry, the car industry and the housing industry. 

Benjamin Franklin stated it the best. “The larger the government, the smaller the peoples liberties”.

 Our founding fathers believed in limited government and lower taxes and they did not trust the government.

 If the founding fathers were around today they would be total shock by the amount of money that our government is spending-doing away with the debt would be there first number one priority.

 Thomas Jefferson stated” I am for a government rigoursly frugal and simply applying all the possible savings of the public revenue to the discharge of the national debt, and not for a multiplications of offices and salaries merely to make partisans”.

It is safe to say that our founding father would not just sit by today and water as their nation spins down the drain of financial ruin.

 In conclusion, I leave you with these three questions:

 1)      What would they think of the war on terror?

2)      What would they think of about health care reform?

3)      What would they think of the size of today’s government

 I think that if the founding fathers were here today they would be getting ready to have another revolution in this country.

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June 24, 2010

As the Justice department is getting ready to file a lawsuit against Arizona for their recently passed Immigration law, I decided to do some research and I found some cases that favors this new law.

United States v. Salinas-Calderon.  728 F 2d 1298 (1984) United States Court of Appeals 10th circuit. 

 In this case the court stated “A state trooper has general investigatory authority to inquire into possible immigration violations.  Moreover, the troopers questions about the green card was reasonable under the circumstances and thus lawful”.

United States v. Favela-Favela 41 Fed.Appx 185 United States Court of Appeals 10th circuit (2002).

In this case the court stated that “A state trooper did not violate the defendant’s rights by asking questions about his immigration status, after pulling the defendant over for a traffic violation and noticing that there was 20 people in the van the defendant was driving.

 Muehler v. Mena  544 U.S. 93 (2005)  The United States Supreme Court that a police officer does not need independent reasonable suspicion to question an individual about their immigration status. 

 United States v. Vasquez-Alvarez  176 F. 3rd 1294 (1999) United States Court of Appeals, 10th Circuit.  The court stated that state and local law enforcement officers are empowered to arrest for violations of federal law, as long as such arrest is authorized by state law.

 As you can see these are just some of the federal court cases that do supports Arizona’s new immigration law.  This law will stand the court test and will be found to be constitutional.

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Orange California backs Arizona’s new Immigration law

June 10, 2010

The City of Orange California voted 4-0 to back two resolutions supporting Arizona’s immigration reform bill.

The council declare the City of Orange “A rule of law” and officially supports the residence and business of Arizona in their efforts to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.

22 speakers spoke to urge the city to pass the resolution and 15 spoke out against it.

Supporters said it was necessary to show where the City of Orange stands on an important national issues and to show support for the people of Arizona.

Opponents called the action offensive, divisive and a waste of time because the resolution will not how Orange handles immigration issues.

Councilman Jon Dumitru introduced the two measures partly because he said illegal immigration has contributed to the city’s budget deficit.

Besides Orange, Costa Mesa and Yorba Linda have declared there support for the new Arizona Immigration law.

We need more cities in California to show their support for Arizona and for the new Immigration law that they passed.

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