Archive for April, 2010

President Obama needs to get his priorities right

President Obama does not have his priorities right, nor does he have any idea on how to deal with world leaders. On April 10, 2010 the President of Poland Lech Kczynski and his wife, Maria died in a tragic airplane accident. They were put to rest on April 18, 2010.

Because of Iceland Volanic erupton President Obama decided to cancel his trip. President Obama didn’t even had the decenty to visit the polish embassy to offer his condolence. He instead sent Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and VP Joe Biden.

Other world leaders find different ways to get to the funeral. So instead of finding a different way to go to the funeral what did President Obama do. He went to to play golf.

To date President Obama has played more golf by far than even former President George W. Bush. In his 8 years Bush played 24 times to date. President Obama has played 32 times since taking office.

 In 2008 President Bush gave up golf “In Solidarity” with the families of soldiers who were dying in Iraq.

 President Obama has no sense how to pick his friends nor his allies. He bows to his enemies and ingores his allies.

Now despite some of President George W. Bush faults he at least had a certain amount of senstivity that President Obama lacks.

 President Bush would have found a way to make it to Poland. He would not have gone to the golf course.

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Arizona Passes strict border rule

On April 14, 2010 Arizona lawmakers approved the toughest measure in the county against illegal immigration, directing local police to determine whether people are in the country legally.

 The measure passed 35-21 in the State House of Representatives. The State Senate passed a similar measure earlier this year and Republican Governor Jim Brewer is expected to sign bll.

 The bill will make it a milsdeameanor to lack proper immigration paperork in Arizona. It also requires police officer, if they form a “reasonable suspicion” that someone is an illegal immigrant, to determine the person’s immigration status.

 “Illegal Immigration brings crime, kidnapping, drugs and drains our government services”, said Rep. John Kavanagh, a Republican.

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